
Atoms – Physical Modeling Synth Plugin

Original price was: 99,00€.Current price is: 4,99€.

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  • 🛡️ 6 months Guarantee
  • 🖥️ Windows only

System Requirements for Windows:

  • OS: Windows 10 or newer
  • Plugin formats: VST, VST3, AAX (64-bit) – (32 bit).
  • Compatible with all major DAWs

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Introducing Atoms by Baby Audio

Your Gateway to Sonic Exploration

babay audio atoms plugin

Unleash Your Creativity with Atoms

Atoms is not just a synthesizer; it’s a revolution in sound design. Powered by cutting-edge physical modeling technology, Atoms opens up a universe of sounds, from the organic to the otherworldly. Whether you’re crafting rich textures or diving into uncharted sonic territories, Atoms is your companion on this thrilling auditory journey.

Experience Complex Physics in a Simple Package With Atoms

Forget everything you know about synthesis. Atoms simplifies the complex, offering an intuitive interface that lets you manipulate interconnected masses and springs. Excite the system with a virtual bow, and watch as it vibrates to life, creating sounds that breathe and evolve. With Atoms, you’re not just making music; you’re giving life to sound.

A Living Organism of Sound

Atoms is alive, constantly shifting and regenerating like a natural organism. Its core parameters, equipped with powerful motion options, ensure your soundscapes are always dynamic, never static. Break free from the limitations of sample libraries and step into a world of sonic realism like never before.

Atoms Program New Patches with a Click

Dive into endless possibilities with Atoms’ musically calibrated randomization engine. Every roll of the dice yields a new, usable patch, pushing the boundaries of your creativity. And with the Recycle button, explore variations of your favorite sounds, discovering related sonic landscapes with each click.

Sculpt Your Sound with Physically Modeled Effects

Atoms goes beyond synthesis, offering a suite of creative effects integrated within its physical model. From natural modulation to immersive spaces, these effects are not just added; they’re an intrinsic part of sound, delivering unparalleled depth and realism.

Join the Sonic Innovators to Atoms

Atoms is for the bold, the creative, and the curious. From sci-fi ambience to naturalistic strings, its virtual acoustic structure offers an evolutionary leap in musical expression. With 250 presets to start, including the “Radioactive” expansion pack by Zardonic, your journey into sound is just beginning.

Technical Specs

  • Plugin formats: VST, VST3,  AAX (64-bit) and (32-bit).
  • Platforms supported:  PC Windows 10 and newer
  • DAWs supported: All major DAWs (Ableton Live, Pro Tools,  FL Studio, Cubase, Studio One, Bitwig, Reaper, Reason, etc.)

Embrace the future of sound. Your adventure into the unknown awaits.

System Requirements for Windows:

  • OS: Windows 10 or newer
  • Plugin formats: VST, VST3, AAX (64-bit) – (32 bit).
  • Compatible with all major DAWs

Elevate your music production with Atoms by Baby Audio. Dive into a world where sound is alive, and every note tells a story.

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